Update Group Objects (Assets)

Updates and/or edits your existing, group objects (assets). Note that {object_id} is only used for single, rather than multiple updates (see the following single and multiple sample requests).

See Parameters below.

Sample Request

Single Update

        "field_1": "test",
        "field_2": "",
        "field_22": "55,444.33",
        "gps_coordinates": [50, 50]

Multiple Update
Returns a maximum of 200 objects at a time.

    "objects": [
        "id": "629a0431ce890d002b55ebc3",
        "field_1": "1",
        "field_2": "test",
        "field_3": "abc",
        "field_4": "test",
        "field_22": "55,444.33",
        "gps_coordinates": [50, 50]
        "id": "629a0449ce890d002b55ebd5",
        "field_1": "2",
        "field_2": "",
        "field_3": "def",
        "field_9": "3",
        "field_22": "55,444.33",
        "gps_coordinates": [50, 50]
        "id": "629a0455ce890d002b55abe5",
        "field_1": "3",
        "field_2": "",
        "field_3": "ghi",
        "field_9": "3",
        "field_22": "55,444.33",
        "gps_coordinates": [50, 50]
        "id": "629a0462ce890d002b55eac9",
        "field_1": "4",
        "field_2": "",
        "field_3": "jkl",
        "field_9": "3",
        "field_22": "55,444.33",
        "gps_coordinates": [50, 50]
        "id": "629a046dce890d002b55ebaa",
        "field_1": "5",
        "field_2": "",
        "field_3": "mno",
        "field_9": "3",
        "field_22": "55,444.33",
        "gps_coordinates": [50, 50]


Path ParametersRequired/OptionalDescriptionType
{group_id}requiredThe value for the group ID (group) you wish to update.string
{object_id}requiredThe value for the object (your asset) you wish to update.string
Body ParametersRequired/OptionalDescriptionType
field_1requiredThe updated value for field_1.string
field_2requiredThe updated value for field_2.string
field_22requiredThe updated value for field_22.string
gps_coordinatesrequiredThe values for the specific gps_coordinates of the object you wish to edit.array of integers
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!