API Reference


Update an Existing Account

Updates a user account, to log in to Asset Panda, this call cannot be used to create a new account, because the user id parameter is required. This user id can be found by using either one of the three calls:
GET Retrieve Users
GET Retrieve User Details
GET Retrieve User Templates

All three calls will provide the required and optional info needed.

See Parameters and Authentication below.

Sample Payload

     "device": "mobile", //descripton for the account in this example it's a mobile use account
    "user": {
        "first_name": "Appolo",
        "last_name": "Panda",
        "email": "apanda@assetpanda.com",
        "password": "password",
        "password_confirmation": "password"


Path ParametersRequired OptionsalDescriptionType
user_idRequiredThis is the id parameter retuned as noted above wtih the GET calls avalibleinteger
Body ParametersRequired/OptionalDescriptionType
first_namerequiredThe user's first namestring
last_namerequiredThe user's last namestring
emailrequiredthis is the user's e-mail that will be used to login to the accountstring
passwordrequiredthis is the password to login to the accountstring
confirm_passwordrequiredconfirm the password entered to allow the user to login to the accountstring
phoneoptionalthe phone number for the user acocuntstring
template_rule_idoptionalthis is the user tempate that will be updated for the user.integer


AuthorizationYour Bearer token.
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